Guji Benti Neka
Guji Benti Neka
A Rare Bright Certified Organic Ethiopian Coffee.
Ethiopian farmers naturally practice organic farming but few pursue the full certification process. Benti Neka washing station is situated in West Guji. Processed at this location are ripe, sorted cherries from farms at 1,900 to 2,200 meters above sea level. Guji farmers follow traditional growing methods tracking back to earlier than the 10th century. These beans are graded at G2 which is the second highest quality. While regarded as the birthplace of Arabica coffee, Ethiopia contributes only 3 to 4% of the worlds coffee supply. Yet the variety of flavors are remarkable.
(Available for pre-order with fulfillment availability starting in March 2025 - These orders will not charge your credit card until your order is fulfilled)